
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 2: A Search for a Sponser!

So my co-captain in this project, Kawehi was absent, so we had to end up communicating about the project by texting each other. We will continue to worry about the project when we both are in the classroom, but for now we are in search of a sponser. We have a couple people in mind to ask, but we really haven't had a chance to ask just yet. So if you would like to be a sponser and help us out with a project, please let me or Kawehi know that are interested! Again we are trying to fix up the basketball court in the student parking lot, we are thinking about painting the walls, the hoop, and paint official court lines to help beautify our school! If this sounds interesting to you please let us know, but as for now our search goes on!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 1

I made my blog a little bit later than my co-captain Kawehi, but what we are trying to accomplished to better our school and community is to make a mural on the outside basketball court which is located on in the student parking lot of our school. This Basketball Court needs a lot of work, scratches on the wall, no lines painted on the ground and to make it worse we have a white basketball hoop attached to a white wall! This isn't going to work! So, my partner and I would like to start this project so that everybody that likes to hang around and play in that area could have a wonderful time!