
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Projects That I Will Be Helping!

Projects That I am helping to plan
• Emily Chhun- Helping organize the school bowling trip at Highline Lanes

More to come, just not at the moment, I will be posting up another blog to show the other Independent Projects I will be helping out!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Barriers In My Project

Driving Forces
• School Pride
• Way to show creativity
• Student Wants
• Helps Beautify School
• Way to show creativity
• Student Wants
• Helps Beautify School

• Not our property
Mr. McComb has law
• Limited creativity on project
• Supporters
• Helping Other I.P's
• Homework
Weather Conditions
• Lack of Supplies

Barriers I can Control
1. Limited Creativity
2. Supporters
3. Homework

So for Me and my co-partner’s Independent Project (IP) is that we are trying to paint a mural on the school’s basketball court in the back of the school in the student parking lot. We are also going to see if it is possible to put the actual lines of a regular basketball court on the cement where the court is placed. Even though we have a great idea and a great game plan on how we want this project to end up going smoothly, we still have a couple of road blocks that are out of our control and some that slows us down, but is able to change! Some of these road blocks include, the limited creativity we are allowed to put on the wall, how many people we can get to help us out with this project and basically how to manage our time with this project and our other school work.
All three of these things slow us down, but are not going to stop our project. We are limited to the type of things we can put on the wall, what we were thinking at first was: black wall, red and gold stripes, picture of a phoenix, but unfortunately because we do not own this school and are just renting it, we cannot do this, but things that we can do is put things like motivational quotes on the wall, we can also still paint it, just because we can’t put the phoenix on the wall, doesn’t mean we can’t paint it to make it look better. Another thing is the amount of supporters; this will help our project out because than it will be a faster production time and we would hopefully be able to get useful materials such as, paint, brushes, stencils, etc. The way that we can get more supporters is refer them to our blog pages and promote our project idea around the school. The final thing is homework, mostly we just have to have good time management when working with our I.P’s and other school work. All of these things are going to slow us down, but we will not stop our hard work because of this, hopefully we can create great things like school spirit and making our school look better than the condition that it is in now.